Toulouse 2012

I got scholarship from France and going to Toulouse for 1 month “stage” in Children’s Hospital.

I bought the ticket in Turkish airlines; I have appartement there on M. station Arenes, very gentle man-our host-coordinator in Toulouse arranged it for me, for very cheap; there is metro, bus, tram, train station, so u can go everywhere.view from my balcony

I had one huge problem: imagine I have my big red suitcase, and I don’t have keys, keys r left in a hospital, so I have to go there pick up my keys only after that I can go to appart., it seemed impossible for me; I had to go to airport i-center and to say that I arrived, cos CampusFrance who organizes everything for  their “boursiers”, they were waiting for me and had some public transport tickets and info for me. so I was thinking that I will leave my luggage there, will go to hospital, take keys, than back to airport take my luggage and to flat.

but also one part of my mind or heart had thought-what if Mr.”our host-coordinator and just very gentle man” (who is on vacation ,out of France) had asked some of his friends to pick me up in airport! oh and i’m leaving area and see people meeting each other–and one boy with paper written- Ekaterina Kutsia–son of Mr.”OHCAJVGM” 🙂 it was just perfect.

So here am I again in Toulouse–this city–I don’t know I somehow was attracted by it from the very  beginning when my teacher of French language told me that as I will be pediatrician I have to go to Toulouse, because there they have very good Hopital des Enfants. Than I started to search about this city, it was 2008..and i liked it more and more, was studying “hard” French, met some guy from Toulouse on www, so I had some French practice…

and I made it, I went there to that Hopital on 2009 and now again as a pediatrician already 🙂

Was so lucky that arrived during festival “Toulouse d’été”

First open air free concert I attended was on Daurade (place on river-side, I discovered this place only now and loved it!) PAUSE D’ÉTÉ AVEC… SAMUEL GEFFROY TRIO, MARDI,31 JUILLET 2012 – 18H30

 WEN QUARTET , PIZZICA(musique traditionnelle), EZZA(musique touareg), Vrak Trio(jazz europeen), Dayazell (musique medievales) and the very last for me was Orlando (chansons surnaturelles)

I also tried Zumba there one afternoon and it was exactly what I was waiting-we were dancing without stop about 1.5 h; it’s latin-dance-aerobics, very good entertainment and exercise.

I had guest from Spain, we visited La Maison de la Violette (Violet is somehow symbol of Toulouse, they made everything from it: from parfumes, soaps, to liquer and wine; we had une promenade by boat (Baladine) on river Garonne and chanel-Canal Du Midi.

well many interesting things happened there during this 1 month, I can’t tell you all 😉 but I really loved it and I love this city, and besides that was my second visit (so unusual that I go to the same city twice!) and I discovered many new places, I still have some things to discover;

so maybe till next time Toulouse or  A +  😉 🙂

p.s. ohh last day I must write and show it; well last days were sad for me, cos i was leaving city which i love, which i’m not sure if loves me back , it was cloudy, time after time small showers, I went to find my friend’s place,I had to leave on his door “sac”, I missed right turn, so I walked a lot , I knew I was somewhere near but couldn’t find this small street! got so angry on myself,on weather, on the idea!, decided to go back and suddenly I found it!! :))))so I don’t know maybe i got lost because I shouldn’t had to go there and leave this sac or it was just extreme-u have to do it, but it won’t be easy! so it was challenge and I made  I made it well!!! 🙂 but no medal or congrats or some gift for it 😦 nothing…I was still leaving the city and I was still alone.

Mr. “OHCAJVGM” will arrive at 2pm to take me to airport, so I have time, I went to city-center, walked little bit on Daurade, Capitole, pont neuf, river-side….

oh there was cow parade on capitole :)))

just few weeks before going to Toulouse I wrote to me friend ” now, i’m preparing for Toulouse, France, can u imagine i’m going there again 🙂 to “my city” i love Toulouse, I don’t know why, maybe on second time I will realize that i don’t love it and it was only my imagination, but will see.I will stay there during whole August, and in the middle of September I hope i will…”

so now after 1 week of leaving Toulouse I can say that I still have the same feelings ….

ohh and one thing so pity that I will miss Charlie Winston in Tlse 😦

there are still so many things to see near Toulouse

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